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Going on Vacation? Good Tips on how to keep your home safe!

Going on Vacation? Good Tips on how to keep your home safe!

Did you know that a burglary happens every 14.6 seconds in the U.S.!  That statistic amazed me.  I definitely take for granted that Colorado is pretty safe and I do my part of locking my doors and windows.  I live very close to Colfax so I do my best to protect my home from any intruders.  I recently came across a good article from Moneytalks News with 15 Ways to keep your home safe when your away.

There were a few pointers that I didn’t really consider and I thought it would be good to pass on to you.

1.    Don’t hide your key in an obvious place!  Sounds silly but really you shouldn’t hide your key at all around the outside of your home.  This alone is too obvious, the best thing to do is get an extra key made and hide at a trusted neighbor or keep with them or friend/family member.

2.    Don’t check in and send status updated on Social Networks, again sounds kind of silly and obvious but so many of us get excited to shout out to our friends and family with pictures from our vacation.  Make sure to change your Privacy Settings to Private not Public before you leave on vacation.

3.    Use Timers for your Interior Lights.  No the outdoor lights yes I think we all should know that, BUT the interior is even more important.  You can get timers fairly inexpensive at your local hardware store (HomeDepot, Lowes, Ace, etc.) that can be attached to your lamps inside.  This way you can set them for random times when you are usually home day/night.

4.    Keep the lawn mowed.  If you don’t have a family or friend that can come over and mow your lawn, hire a lawn service for the time you are away.

5.    Monitor your home with a smartphone! You can use a computer webcam and sink it to your Android or iPhone, check out iCam that is available for Androids and iPhones and you can sync up to 12 cameras to it.  Set them up around the house and keep track of things.  (This might be a good option for those of you with teenagers in the house during the summer)

These are just few good ones that I thought were very insightful but you can read the full article for more great tips.

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Also if you would like to complete a secure online loan application click here.

~Stay Safe

Ray Williams

Branch Manager

Summit Mortgage Corporation

303-779-0591 ext. 101

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