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Happy Birthday Colorado!

Happy Birthday Colorado!

Today Colorado turns 136!  Our Centennial State was first recognized on August 1, 1876.

Colorado’s birthday is typically celebrated on the first Monday of every August- ALL of Colorado State Parks are FREE to visitors on Aug. 6th!

No admission fees to the parks and no vehicle passes will be required according to Colorado Department of Natural Resources.

Also Frontier Airlines is honoring and celebrating Colorado Day by offering air fare sales!  Tickets must be purchased by 9:59 pm on Aug. 3rd. Visit for more details.

Did someone say Vacation day?  What a great time to take advantage of the free admissions to Colorado State parks to enjoy and celebrate our beautiful state!

Here is a link to take a look at all our State Parks!


Ray Williams

Summit Mortgage Corporation

303-779-0591 ext. 101

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