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Time to get Dirty and Run in the Mud!

Time to get Dirty and Run in the Mud!

Mud Runs hit Colorado! Originally I was going to tell you about the “down and dirty mud run” that is coming to Colorado on June 24th, but in searching for the mud run I came across some others that may be of interest to you all.  What better way to stay in shape and have some fun getting dirty!  Below is a list and the links to the “mud runs” and a brief description of them to help you decide which might be best for you to try!

Down and Dirty Mud Run-June 24th- Has a 5k and 10k option as well as an Adventure kid course! It has a charity partner, Subaru is a partner with Operation Gratitude which is an organization that raises funds to send out care packages to the U.S. Service Members deployed in hostile regions.

Fee: Adult $55, Child  4-6 $20, 7-13 $28

Devil Dash – Sept. 1st- Lyons, Colorado- 5k run through “Purgatory” course and obstacles themed after the seven deadly sins, includes climbing, trudging through mud, fire, cargo nets, etc. If a group of 10 or more volunteer/fundraising they will donate $500 to your desired organization.

Fee: $59 by June 4th, $65 by July 9th, $69 by August 1st, $75 by Aug. 22nd

Survivor Mud Run– July 21st -Johnstown, CO- 5K with 20 Grueling obstacles and a ton of mud! Created to test your agility in the most extreme circumstances!

Fee: $67 until July 10th

Silly Pig Mud Run – July 29th- Aurora, Co Arapahoe County Fairgrounds- 5k run designed to bring out the inner kid in you!  The Silly Pig Mud run is partnering with organization called Homes For Our Troops which builds specially adapted homes for our severely injured soldiers and their families.

Fee: May $55, June $60, July $65


Ray Williams

Branch Manager

Summit Home Mortgage

303-779-0591 ext. 101

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