Festive things to do this weekend Nov. 30th-Dec. 2nd in and around Denver

Tis’ the season to be jolly! The streets are decorated the music has already started playing on the radio stations, decorations have been in the stores since Halloween, it is now time to start the festivities! There are so many local festivities that started taking place since Thanksgiving! If you are looking to start a […]
Starter home or could it be more?

Today I came across an article in Realtor.com titled “how to deal when you’re stuck in your starter home”¹. This struck a chord and spoke to me. My husband and I were literally talking about this exact same topic on our way into the office this morning. We bought our home “starter home” in May […]
3 Terms You Should Know the Difference: Pre-Qualified, Pre-Approval & Credit Approved

3 Terms You Should Know the Difference: Pre-Qualified, Pre-Approval & Credit Approved 3 TERMS YOU WILL WANT TO KNOW WHEN YOUR LOOKING FOR A HOME MORTGAGE LOAN These three terms get tossed around, pre-qualify (or pre-qualified), pre-approved (pre-approval) and more recently credit approval. What is the true difference, why does it matter which term you […]
4 Fun things to do this weekend in and around Denver, August 10-12, 2018

We have found you 4 fun things to do this weekend in and around Denver. As summer is winding down and the last of the outdoor events are coming up! Let’s take a look at what you can do this weekend. Friday, August 10th Ramen Throw Down at The Hangar at Stanley– Tonight @ 5:00 […]