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Want To Be A Landlord? Check These Hacks On #Landlording

So you have thought long and hard, are getting prepared to do this! Want to be a landlord? I am putting together a list of hacks to get you off and running. Of course, refer back to my previous blog on How To Get Into Real Estate Investing to freshen up on knowledge. Today, I am […]

5 Things To Consider If You Want To Be A Landlord

[video_embed name=”5 Things To Consider”] How do you know if you’re ready to be a landlord? This is a really good question.  Are you thinking about making your home a rental?  Are you thinking of buying a rental this year? We have added 5 things to consider if you want to be a landlord. This is definitely […]

Is The Denver Housing Market Slowing?

I read an interesting article the other night talking about San Francisco and their housing market. It referenced how the market for rents was beginning to see a slow down. Meanwhile, the median rent is $4,500/month (Denver, you think you have an affordability issue in the Denver Housing Market?). And the median home price over […]