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Another Happy VA Client!

Another Happy VA Client!

We are happy to announce another happy VA client that we helped to get into her first home!  Again, we have helped someone who was previously told by another lender that she couldn’t qualify. Effectively telling our client they couldn’t even offer VA options seemingly because they were not familiar with doing VA loans in Colorado. Being a veteran myself, I always enjoy being able to offer, and know about VA loans, since I myself have one.  We were able to not only get her into a VA home loan but also qualified her for enough to allow her to buy a great home!

It only took the a little extra homework and due diligence, as well as, paying attention to her needs. From there we had to provide just a little more documentation, since this was a manually approved loan. Many lenders don’t know how to get you approved when the computer says no! But we did it and we also helped her receive the Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC)!  This is a tax credit that first time home buyers are eligible to receive.  Make sure read more about the MCC here.

It is so great to be part of a happy memorable moment!

Getting her keys to her first home! Awesome!

If you would like to get pre-approved or are interested in a VA loan please call, email me or complete a secured online loan application.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact me via phone or email.

Many thanks,

Ray Williams

Branch Manager

Summit Home Mortgage

303-779-0591 ext. 101

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