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HUD, VA to provide permanent housing and support to more than 10,000 homeless vets

HUD, VA to provide permanent housing and support to more than 10,000 homeless vets

One of many improvements have been made in helping to get our veterans in homes.  U.S. Housing and Urban Development announces that HUD will provide $72.6 million to public housing agencies in all 50 states and district of Colombia to supply housing and case management for more than 10,000 veterans.

This funding is in effort to help prevent and end homelessness among veterans.  This is the first of two rounds of the 2012 HUD-VASH funding.  Hud expects to announce the remaining funding by the end of this summer.

“It’s a national disgrace that one out of every six men and women in our shelters once wore a uniform to serve our country” said HUD Secretary Donovan.  “But by providing housing assistance and case management services, we can significantly reduce the number of veterans on our streets.

Click here to read the full press release from HUD

~Ray Williams

Branch Manager

Summit Home Mortgage

303-779-0591 ext. 101

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