6 Ways to Share the Spirit of the Season Now — Starting From Home

It’s Never Too Late To Become A Secret Santa You probably don’t have to look far to find someone who could benefit from a gift or kind gesture this time of year. Try one (or all) of these ideas 6 inspirational ideas for sharing the season with those closest to home. 1. HOST A COOKIE AND […]
FHA Vs Conventional Loans; Which Is Better?

FHA Vs Conventional Loans; Which Is Better for you? Here you are a first-time buyer or possible move up buyer. Possibly you are a Veteran looking at a VA home loan? Maybe you are buying in a rural area using a USDA home loan? If not, then you are probably trying to decide: FHA Vs […]
3 Denver Events This Weekend & Add some BBQ on the side

Let’s keep this list short and sweet! 3 Denver events this weekend you may not want to miss! With most of the kids back in school or for some, this is the last weekend of summer vacation. There is a reason to partake in our community as often as we can. An All Weekend Event […]
Look what’s happening this weekend- Nov. 17-19th

Look what’s happening this weekend. It’s time to get festive! As much as we may all be fighting it and not wanting to look at those Holiday decorations in the stores or even try to block out those Holiday tunes playing…time to give in, this is happening! To help kick off your holiday season and […]
Trying to decide if you should turn your home into a rental?

I recently had a great conversation with a family member discussing the notion of turning their property into a rental. They were curious about how to go about doing it and what the requirements to qualify would be. The main reason they were inquiring is that they had recently received their assessed value in their home. […]
Denver Events This Weekend-FREE

There is so much to do and so little time! We’ve compiled a list of a few noteworthy Denver events this weekend that might be of interest. To make it even more appealing, the events listed are all FREE! Flicks for Chicks @ ViewHouse Eatery, Bar & Rooftop in Denver, Tonight July 27th (and […]
Thinking out of the box

Colorado’s Real Estate market is continuing to be in demand which is making for a very competitive market, such as last year. There is no reason to expect this to slow down anytime soon due to our state’s popularity. Per U.S. News, the best places to live in the U.S. 2017, Denver is listed as […]
Denver Restaurant Week is Coming

The time has come! Restaurant week is fast approaching! If you don’t know about Denver’s Restaurant Week, I’m here to tell you all about this fantastic week. It starts on February 24th-March 5th. This is a week when over 250 restaurants sign up to be included in this spectacular showcase of food. The menus can include […]
VA Loan Limits -2017 Announced

VA loan limits for 2017 have been released. Following suit with Conventional loans limits for 1-unit properties. Given the cost of housing in Denver and Colorado continue to increase it is no surprise to see VA loan limits going up. Denver is considered a high cost area which is why you will see loan limits higher […]
FHA Loan Limits- 2017 Announced

HUD has released the 2017 FHA loan limits to take effect next month. Good news for FHA borrowers is that HUD kept in step with Fannie & Freddie on conventional mortgage loan limits. FHA loan limits are based on the county, so you will see ranges all over the board on the front range of […]
Conventional Loan Limits 2017

The wait is over Denver and Colorado. We have been asked numerous times in the last 30 days. It looks like conventional loan limits 2017 will be up nationwide which will show additional signs of a strengthening housing market. The national conforming loan limits for 2017 will be $424,100 (up slightly from $417,000). Drum roll […]
Low Mortgage Rates Online

Proceed with caution when looking at these low mortgage rates online. What you see is not always what you will get. Lenders advertising these low rates are doing a great job because they are getting you in the door by making their phones ring. Be careful when seeing these advertisements. A past client of […]