Ways to Make Your Home Eco-Friendly

The current state of the planet has raised environmental awareness by leaps and bounds. If sustainable living important to you, a great place to start is with your home. Here are some ways to make or remodel your home to a more eco-friendly place to live in. Water Conservation is Key We’ve long been told […]
Festive things to do this weekend Nov. 30th-Dec. 2nd in and around Denver

Tis’ the season to be jolly! The streets are decorated the music has already started playing on the radio stations, decorations have been in the stores since Halloween, it is now time to start the festivities! There are so many local festivities that started taking place since Thanksgiving! If you are looking to start a […]
Starter home or could it be more?

Today I came across an article in Realtor.com titled “how to deal when you’re stuck in your starter home”¹. This struck a chord and spoke to me. My husband and I were literally talking about this exact same topic on our way into the office this morning. We bought our home “starter home” in May […]
Home Affordability-What is the cost of waiting?

Home Affordability Always the biggest question when someone is looking to buy a home. “How much do I qualify for”? The true question you are asking is “what is my home affordability?”. Per dictionary.com, Affordable: Adjective 1. That can be afforded; believed to be within one’s financial means: noun 2. Usually affordable. Items expenses,etc., […]
FHA Vs Conventional Loans; Which Is Better?

FHA Vs Conventional Loans; Which Is Better for you? Here you are a first-time buyer or possible move up buyer. Possibly you are a Veteran looking at a VA home loan? Maybe you are buying in a rural area using a USDA home loan? If not, then you are probably trying to decide: FHA Vs […]
What to do this weekend August 3-5, 2018

There is still some summertime fun as we head into August. Here are some great events you may want to check out: Friday, August 3rd Cherry Creek’s 10th Annual Wicket & Stick It Game– Cherry Creek Shopping Center-Outdoor Plaza behind The Container Store @ 2:30-7: 00 pm. Colorado’s largest croquet tournament. Widely considered one of […]
Mortgage Hacks

Mortgage Hacks Quick tip to help your mortgage approval go smooth. When completing your mortgage application make sure to have all your dates of employment and living history for the last two years, These dates are extremely important and mandatory for a mortgage application. Should there be any gaps longer than 3 months be sure […]
Why & When Should You Consider An Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM)?

Long-term fixed mortgage rates have risen consistently through the 2018 year so far. When it comes to mortgages the rate of increase is influenced by our economy, among other indicators (such as the bond market and other financial markets). With rising interest rates (on mortgages) it can have an impact on some homebuyer’s purchase power. […]
Escrow shortage, what is it? How do you fix it and how can you prevent?

What is escrow shortage? This is a very common among homeowners. Let’s start with a quick refresher, an escrow account is an account held with your servicer that holds the funds needed to pay your property taxes and homeowners insurance. An escrow account is set up at the time of your purchase and/or refinance. It […]
2018 Conforming Loan Limits for Colorado and the US

2018 Conforming (a.k.a Conventional) loan limits have been announced! Looking good for the Denver metro area, better than expected. Nationally that will be at $453,100 (up from $424,100) and in Colorado (drumroll please) we will see Denver & major metro at $529K (high balance loan limit)! For other counties in Colorado, we are looking at: El […]
Trying to decide if you should turn your home into a rental?

I recently had a great conversation with a family member discussing the notion of turning their property into a rental. They were curious about how to go about doing it and what the requirements to qualify would be. The main reason they were inquiring is that they had recently received their assessed value in their home. […]
Eat, Drink, Dance, Plunge, There is something for everyone to do this weekend in Denver

The Denver Metro area is full of activities this coming weekend. Eat, Drink, Dance, Plunge, there is something for everybody! First things first, don’t forget to make reservations for Denver’s restaurant week. It starts this Friday, Feb. 24th – March 5th. There will be hundred’s of restaurants offering multi-course dinners at a very appetizing price, so […]