NEW Conforming Loan Limits – What to look forward to in 2022
Christmas isn’t just an exciting time of the year to enjoy the company of friends and family, the holidays are also very important for anyone
Christmas isn’t just an exciting time of the year to enjoy the company of friends and family, the holidays are also very important for anyone
We all know that the world is a different place in the wake of COVID-19, but sometimes it can take time for certain industries to
Whether you are getting ready to purchase your first home,, refinance an existing home, or are hoping to take out a mortgage on a new
One of the positive signs of America’s economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic is the continued strength of the housing market. While uncertainty has plagued
Most prospective homebuyers know that mortgage financials can change depending on location, your bank, your home state, and other common factors. Some less well-known differences
There are many different ways to think about home ownership and financing, depending on your goals. Short and longer term plans, strategy, capacity, capital liquidity
The real estate industry is uniquely positioned as we look at changes over time. When it comes to buying and selling property, many parts of
The American housing market continues to climb upwards in the wake of COVID-19. All across the country home buyers are putting their properties up on
It is an exciting time for the American real estate market in 2021, for both buyers and sellers alike. As we all hope to return
At Mortgage Maestro Group, our clients run the gamut from experienced real estate professionals to first-time home buyers. For those in the second group, purchasing
Pride of Ownership Make your house your home by sharing it with pets or taking on a remodel, all without permission from a landlord. Instead
There tend to be a lot of different plates spinning in the air when it comes time to buy or sell a home, and that
Licensed in Colorado as Maestro LLC (DBA Mortgage Maestro Group) is an Equal Housing Lender.
Consumers wishing to file a complaint against a company or a residential Mortgage loan originator should complete and send a complaint form to the Texas department of savings and mortgage lending, 2601 North Lamar, suite 201, Austin, Texas 78705. Complaint forms and instructions may be obtained from the Department’s website at www.sml.texas.gov. A toll-free consumer hotline is available at 1-877-276-5550. The department maintains a recovery fund to make payments of certain actual out of pocket damages sustained by borrowers caused by acts of licensed residential mortgage loan originators. A written application for reimbursement from the recovery fund must be filed with and investigated by the department prior to the payment of a claim. For more information about the recovery fund, please consult the department’s website at www.sml.texas.gov.
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Notice. The HMDA data about our residential mortgage lending are available online for review. The data show geographic distribution of loans and applications; ethnicity, race, sex, age and income of applicants and borrowers; and information about loan approvals and denials. HMDA data for many other financial institutions are also available online. For more information, visit the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s website.