There Are Reasons Mortgage Agents Request so Much Paperwork

Buying a home can be a stressful experience. No one intends it to be that way, but sometimes that is just the way things work out. Take paperwork. It can seem like your mortgage broker in Denver, CO never stops asking for new documents in an attempt to secure the best home loan possible. As […]
Are Mortgage Brokers the Right Choice for You?

You have decided that it’s finally time to start searching for a home. You have been looking at banks, but friends and family members have been telling you to look for a Denver mortgage broker instead. You don’t know the difference between banks and mortgage brokers, let alone why you should choose one over the […]
Millennials are Buying more Homes and Mortgage Brokers are Winning More Business with Real Estate Agents

Millennials are buying more homes than ever and Mortgage Brokers are winning more business with Real Estate Agents. According to a new report from, millennials are taking over the mortgage market in the U.S. Home-loan data analyzed by show millennials — defined here as the generation aged 19 to 37 — have purchased a larger […]
Starter home or could it be more?

Today I came across an article in titled “how to deal when you’re stuck in your starter home”¹. This struck a chord and spoke to me. My husband and I were literally talking about this exact same topic on our way into the office this morning. We bought our home “starter home” in May […]
5 Things to do this weekend- October 19-21, 2018

5 Things To Do This Weekend There is always something fun to do in this beautiful state of Colorado. You can enjoy the outdoors, the parks, the breweries, the local restaurants, and all the local communities events. Here is a list of some local activities going on this weekend. Halloween Harvest Festival– Saturday, Oct. 20th-Downtown Westminster, […]
Home Affordability-What is the cost of waiting?

Home Affordability Always the biggest question when someone is looking to buy a home. “How much do I qualify for”? The true question you are asking is “what is my home affordability?”. Per, Affordable: Adjective 1. That can be afforded; believed to be within one’s financial means: noun 2. Usually affordable. Items expenses,etc., […]
Do I qualify to purchase a home? If so, how much and where do I start?

Do you qualify to purchase a home? If so, how much and where do you start? Let’s break it down a bit. Let’s look at how important it is to just take a breath, look at all the pros and cons and then see how you should proceed. What is the ideal strategy for you? You […]
Under contract to purchase a home, important tips you need to know

Helping your lender is critical when you are under contract to purchase a home. This may seem like a no brainer, but often times it is easy to put your lender on the back burner once you go under contract. Most buyers feel that now that they are under contract most of the work is […]
Denver Events This Weekend-FREE

There is so much to do and so little time! We’ve compiled a list of a few noteworthy Denver events this weekend that might be of interest. To make it even more appealing, the events listed are all FREE! Flicks for Chicks @ ViewHouse Eatery, Bar & Rooftop in Denver, Tonight July 27th (and […]
Mortgage Calculator Malfunction

Looking for a mortgage calculator to give you the magic answer? What exactly is the magic answer? The answer you are looking for is seeing how much home you can afford. What amount are you pre-qualified for to purchase? What the mortgage calculator doesn’t give you is the expected interest rate for you. Same for […]
How much home can I afford

When you are thinking about purchasing a home typically the first question you ask yourself is “how much home can I afford?”. This is a great question to get you started but quite honestly, I think there is a more important question you need to be asking yourself. “What are your expectations in the vision of […]