6 Ways to Share the Spirit of the Season Now — Starting From Home

It’s Never Too Late To Become A Secret Santa You probably don’t have to look far to find someone who could benefit from a gift or kind gesture this time of year. Try one (or all) of these ideas 6 inspirational ideas for sharing the season with those closest to home. 1. HOST A COOKIE AND […]
Is The Denver Real Estate Market Slowing Down?

This guest blog was written by West + Main Homes Is the Denver Real Estate Market Slowing Down? Are you wondering if the Denver real estate market is finally slowing down? Over the last month, real estate agents have seen significant price reductions in the Denver Metro Area and houses haven’t sold as quickly. This […]
Starter home or could it be more?

Today I came across an article in Realtor.com titled “how to deal when you’re stuck in your starter home”¹. This struck a chord and spoke to me. My husband and I were literally talking about this exact same topic on our way into the office this morning. We bought our home “starter home” in May […]
5 Things to do this weekend- October 19-21, 2018

5 Things To Do This Weekend There is always something fun to do in this beautiful state of Colorado. You can enjoy the outdoors, the parks, the breweries, the local restaurants, and all the local communities events. Here is a list of some local activities going on this weekend. Halloween Harvest Festival– Saturday, Oct. 20th-Downtown Westminster, […]
Home Affordability-What is the cost of waiting?

Home Affordability Always the biggest question when someone is looking to buy a home. “How much do I qualify for”? The true question you are asking is “what is my home affordability?”. Per dictionary.com, Affordable: Adjective 1. That can be afforded; believed to be within one’s financial means: noun 2. Usually affordable. Items expenses,etc., […]
Events Happening this weekend Sept 28-30, 2018

There is a lot of events happening this weekend in and around the Denver metro area so sit back and take a look at what’s ahead. Get ready to make some bookmarks to plan your weekend with some great activities and events. FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY: Friday, Sept. 28th @ 6:00 PM, Fright Fest […]
4 Key Differences between an Appraisal and Home Inspection

Appraisal vs. Inspection Many home buyers get a little confused as to the difference between an appraisal and a home inspection. What are the key differences and why are they both needed? There are distinct differences between an appraisal and an inspection. Which is why both are important and play a very important role when […]
4 Fun things to do this weekend in and around Denver, August 10-12, 2018

We have found you 4 fun things to do this weekend in and around Denver. As summer is winding down and the last of the outdoor events are coming up! Let’s take a look at what you can do this weekend. Friday, August 10th Ramen Throw Down at The Hangar at Stanley– Tonight @ 5:00 […]
Events this weekend July 20-23, 2018

Things to do this weekend July 20-23, 2018 There is always so much to do in our wonderful, beautiful Colorado. In each city. In each neighborhood. You can find something to get you out of your house and connecting with your community. Tonight, Friday, July 20th @ 8:00 PM-11:30 PM 80’s vs. 90’s Night Where? […]
Lenders’ Role While You Shop For A Property

You may wonder what your lender is doing while you are out shopping for a property. Here is a snapshot of what your lender may be doing for you. In Denver’s aggressive market your lender will be reaching out to the listing agents on any offers you are putting in on a property. As the […]
Under contract to purchase a home, important tips you need to know

Helping your lender is critical when you are under contract to purchase a home. This may seem like a no brainer, but often times it is easy to put your lender on the back burner once you go under contract. Most buyers feel that now that they are under contract most of the work is […]
Adventures in Glenwood Springs

Looking for a good quick getaway, maybe a “staycation”, I have just the place for you. Whether you are looking for a nice romantic weekend getaway or perhaps a family adventure. Glenwood Springs is the place you want to venture off to. As a kid,I used to go up to Glenwood with my sisters in […]