Your banking habits can affect your loan approval
How Your Banking Habits Can Affect Your Loan Approval Let me start by saying I want to help you avoid any complications in your loan
How Your Banking Habits Can Affect Your Loan Approval Let me start by saying I want to help you avoid any complications in your loan
There is a “New” Mortgage Assistance Program available starting tomorrow, March 19, 2013 and Summit is proud to be offering this Program. Only 8 Lenders are
HUD has announced that in an effort to bolster it’s capital reserves they are going to once again increase the mortgage insurance premiums on FHA
With the new tax changes that will be occuring soon due to the fiscal cliff agreement, on average those of us earning less than $150K a year, we
DPS was recently granted $4 million from the Gates Foundation! This was one of the largest shares out of $25 million to schools in seven
I came across the CFPB release on the Ability-to-repay rule adopted by the CFPB and released today. Now, this won’t go into immediate effect, but hold on
Are you bankable? What does that mean? Back on the 21st of December I wrote about “showing enough income”. I can’t stress this topic enough,
With the beginning of a New Year it brings out all the “experts” and advise articles for starting the New Year out in a good
CHAC– Colorado Housing Assistance Corporation is now offering down payment assistance for the city of Thornton. CHAC helps by offering financial assistance to qualified first time
It’s safe to say that by this point, we’re all aware of the fiscal cliff and its status as the elephant in the room. What
If you’ve been watching the economic news, you’ve probably noticed that market experts and traders have been keeping a close eye on the Commerce Department’s
Finally something to reward those who have good credit, all of you out there that have worked at maintaining or worked to get good credit.
Licensed in Colorado as Maestro LLC (DBA Mortgage Maestro Group) is an Equal Housing Lender.
Consumers wishing to file a complaint against a company or a residential Mortgage loan originator should complete and send a complaint form to the Texas department of savings and mortgage lending, 2601 North Lamar, suite 201, Austin, Texas 78705. Complaint forms and instructions may be obtained from the Department’s website at www.sml.texas.gov. A toll-free consumer hotline is available at 1-877-276-5550. The department maintains a recovery fund to make payments of certain actual out of pocket damages sustained by borrowers caused by acts of licensed residential mortgage loan originators. A written application for reimbursement from the recovery fund must be filed with and investigated by the department prior to the payment of a claim. For more information about the recovery fund, please consult the department’s website at www.sml.texas.gov.
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Notice. The HMDA data about our residential mortgage lending are available online for review. The data show geographic distribution of loans and applications; ethnicity, race, sex, age and income of applicants and borrowers; and information about loan approvals and denials. HMDA data for many other financial institutions are also available online. For more information, visit the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s website.